Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Dialog Bahasa Inggris

K: Krishnaufal Anugrah Robby
D: Dokter
L: Lina
A: Apothecary

Situation 1
K    : Good afternoon, Doctor.
D    : Good afternoon. What can I do for you?
K    : Not for me, but for Julia.

D    : I’m sorry, Where is she?
K    : She just went to a toilet.
D    : Is she your girlsfriend?
K    : No, she’s not.
D    : Is she your sister?
K    : No, but she’s my wife. Here, is Lina.
L    : Hello, lina. How are you?   
L    : I’m not well, Doc.
D    : What’s the matter with you?
L    : I was having stomachache since yesterday.
D    : What did you eat yesterday?
L    : I always have breakfast, lunch, and dinner at home.
        And I always have clean meals
D    : How about the day before yesterday?
L    : I also had my meals at home.
D    : Can you take off your clothes and lie down on that bed?
L    : Certainly, doctor. What am I suffering?
D    : Well, Mrs. Julia, I’ve completed my examination.
        And I’m happy to say it’s nothing serious.
L    : Don’t you think you should take X-rays?
D    : I don’t think X-rays will be necesarry for this illness.
L    : Will I need a blood transfusion?
D    : No, Mrs. Julia, you won’t need a blood transfussion.
L    : It’s a contagious disease, isn’t it?
D    : I don’t belive so.
L    : Shouldn’t I stay in bed for the rest of the week?
D    : No, you should get outdoors more and get plenty of exercise.
L    : Can I be cured?
D    : You listen to my  advice and i’m certain you’ll be fine.
L    : What sould I do, doctor?
D    : Put this medicine on your arms every four
        hours and by tomorrow it will be all gone.
        It’s just a little heat rash, there’s nothing to worry about.
L    : What am I suffering, Doctor?
D    : I think that’s nothing to be worried.
L    : So, why I feel pain in my stomach?
D    : That’s because you’re having gastric, don’t worry you’ll recover soon.
L    : Shall I take some medicines, Doctor?
D    : I’ll give you a prescription.
        And you can get the medicine from chemists.
L    : What kind of medicine will you prescribe me, Doctor?
D    : It’s milky white colour liquid that you can take there times a day.
L    : How much do I have to take it each time?
D    : Each time you have to take one table spoon.
        The dosage of the medicine will be written on top of the bottle.
        Here is the pescription.
L    : Thank you, Doctor.
        How much do I have to pay for this examination?
D    : You only pay one hundred fifty thousand rupiahs.
L    : Thank you, Doctor.
        And here is the money.
D    : Thank you.
L    : Good bye
D    : Good bye.
Situation 2
A    : Anything I can do for you?
L    : Can I take this Presciption her?
A    : Certainly, you can.
        May I see that prescription?
L    : Yes, you may.
        Here it is.
A    : Thank you.
L    : How long does it take to prepare  this medicine?
A    : It takes about ten minutes to prepare it.
        Are you going to wait for it?
L    : Yes, I’m going to wait for it.
A    : All right, wait a moment.
        Here is your medicine.
        Don’t forget to shake the bottle, before you take it
        Thank you very much.
L    : I’d like something for a sore throat as well, please.
A    : These pastilles are good.
L    : Yes, they’ll do.
A    : Would you like lemon?
L    : Yes, please.
        And do you have any vitamin C tablets?
A    : Vitamin C is good for you when you’ve got a cold.
L    : Oh! Thank you.
A    : Here you are.
        Twenty vitamin C tablets and your throat pastilles.
L    : So, how much is it?
A    : It’ll be fifty thousand rupiahs.
L    : Here is the money.
A    : Thank you.
L    : You’re welcome.


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